The table below shows the top 5 hashtags used on each side, for each month, along with the frequency.
2011-09-30 -- 2011-10-31 | 2011-11-01 -- 2011-11-30 | 2011-12-01 -- 2011-12-31 | 2012-01-01 -- 2012-01-31 | 2012-02-01 -- 2012-02-29 | 2012-03-01 -- 2012-03-31 | 2012-04-01 -- 2012-04-30 | 2012-05-01 -- 2012-05-31 | 2012-06-01 -- 2012-06-30 | 2012-07-01 -- 2012-07-31 | 2012-08-01 -- 2012-08-31 | 2012-09-01 -- 2012-09-30 | 2012-10-01 -- 2012-10-31 | 2012-11-01 -- 2012-11-30 | 2012-12-01 -- 2012-12-31 | 2013-01-01 -- 2013-01-31 | 2013-02-01 -- 2013-02-28 | 2013-03-01 -- 2013-03-31 | 2013-04-10 -- 2013-04-30 | 2013-05-01 -- 2013-05-31 | 2013-06-01 -- 2013-06-30 | 2013-07-01 -- 2013-07-31 | 2013-08-01 -- 2013-08-31 | 2013-09-01 -- 2013-09-30 | 2013-10-01 -- 2013-10-31 | 2013-11-01 -- 2013-11-30 | 2013-12-01 -- 2013-12-31 | 2014-01-01 -- 2014-01-31 | 2014-02-01 -- 2014-02-28 | 2014-03-01 -- 2014-03-31 | 2014-04-01 -- 2014-04-30 | 2014-05-01 -- 2014-05-31 | 2014-06-01 -- 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-01 -- 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-01 -- 2014-08-31 | 2014-09-01 -- 2014-09-30 | 2014-10-01 -- 2014-10-31 | 2014-11-01 -- 2014-11-30 | 2014-12-01 -- 2014-12-31 | 2015-01-01 -- 2015-01-31 | 2015-02-01 -- 2015-02-28 | 2015-03-01 -- 2015-03-31 | 2015-04-01 -- 2015-04-30 | 2015-05-01 -- 2015-05-31 | 2015-06-01 -- 2015-06-30 | 2015-07-01 -- 2015-07-31 | 2015-08-01 -- 2015-08-31 | 2015-09-01 -- 2015-09-30 | 2015-10-01 -- 2015-10-31 | 2015-11-01 -- 2015-11-30 | 2015-12-01 -- 2015-12-31 | 2016-01-01 -- 2016-01-31 | 2016-02-01 -- 2016-02-29 | 2016-03-01 -- 2016-03-31 | 2016-04-01 -- 2016-04-30 | 2016-05-01 -- 2016-05-31 | 2016-06-01 -- 2016-06-30 | 2016-07-01 -- 2016-07-31 | |
side1 | #prolife:952 | #prolife:2242 | #prolife:976 | #prolife:2224 | #prolife:2494 | #prolife:2215 | #prolife:1776 | #prolife:2101 | #prolife:1732 | #prolife:2009 | #prolife:3563 | #prolife:2447 | #prolife:3710 | #prolife:3521 | #prolife:2876 | #prolife:4617 | #prolife:3303 | #prolife:3396 | #gosnell:6986 | #prolife:4838 | #prolife:5622 | #prolife:6892 | #prolife:4745 | #prolife:2995 | #prolife:3603 | #prolife:3763 | #praytoendabortion:4410 | #prolife:6461 | #prolife:5628 | #prolife:5741 | #prolife:5082 | #prolife:5618 | #prolife:6179 | #prolife:10740 | #prolife:9365 | #prolife:6401 | #prolife:7250 | #prolife:9708 | #prolife:12122 | #prolife:12085 | #prolife:13109 | #prolife:13776 | #prolife:7983 | #prolife:6396 | #prolife:6559 | #plannedparenthood:21358 | #plannedparenthood:15669 | #prolife:10611 | #prolife:10450 | #prolife:8170 | #prolife:6730 | #prolife:12669 | #prolife:12603 | #prolife:10188 | #prolife:11241 | #prolife:10720 | #prolife:11340 | #prolife:11618 |
#abortion:377 | #prochoice:1175 | #abortion:327 | #abortion:704 | #abortion:788 | #abortion:747 | #abortion:752 | #abortion:1157 | #abortion:938 | #abortion:663 | #abortion:1418 | #abortion:1017 | #abortion:1640 | #abortion:1676 | #abortion:1571 | #abortion:2378 | #abortion:1505 | #abortion:1386 | #prolife:5168 | #gosnell:2944 | #abortion:3249 | #stand4life:3899 | #abortion:2371 | #abortion:1671 | #abortion:2323 | #abortion:2386 | #prolife:3140 | #praytoendabortion:3052 | #abortion:2030 | #abortion:2240 | #abortion:1854 | #abortion:2949 | #abortion:3000 | #abortion:4134 | #abortion:5763 | #abortion:3230 | #abortion:3563 | #abortion:6304 | #abortion:8180 | #abortion:6580 | #abortion:9007 | #abortion:6518 | #abortion:3796 | #abortion:2289 | #prolifeyouth:3173 | #prolife:10573 | #prolife:10646 | #plannedparenthood:7561 | #defundpp:3689 | #abortion:3321 | #abortion:2935 | #whywemarch:3405 | #abortion:3255 | #abortion:3159 | #abortion:3739 | #abortion:2533 | #abortion:3607 | #abortion:3482 | |
#prochoice:172 | #abortion:589 | #prochoice:235 | #lifefest12:388 | #tcot:411 | #tcot:356 | #tcot:258 | #prochoice:412 | #newabortioncaravan:370 | #prochoice:552 | #prochoice:715 | #prochoice:592 | #tcot:675 | #prochoice:743 | #prochoice:696 | #prochoice:678 | #prochoice:616 | #prochoice:505 | #abortion:3330 | #abortion:2844 | #theyfeelpain:1297 | #abortion:3600 | #tcot:962 | #safeabortion:779 | #latetermabortion:724 | #abq4life:1084 | #abortion:1280 | #abortion:2436 | #praytoendabortion:1491 | #praytoendabortion:1395 | #praytoendabortion:1392 | #womenshealth:2198 | #prolifeyouth:1600 | #tcot:2596 | #tcot:3834 | #tcot:1513 | #tcot:1832 | #tcot:3493 | #tcot:6088 | #tcot:4575 | #tcot:7115 | #tcot:4223 | #tcot:1924 | #theyfeelpain:1995 | #abortion:2575 | #ppsellsbabyparts:10094 | #defundpp:10523 | #defundpp:6147 | #abortion:3243 | #plannedparenthood:2400 | #plannedparenthood:2888 | #abortion:3230 | #tcot:1189 | #tcot:1139 | #praytoendabortion:1633 | #praytoendabortion:2459 | #praytoendabortion:2722 | #praytoendabortion:2861 | |
#bioethics:158 | #rhbill:213 | #lifefest12:151 | #prochoice:359 | #filmfestival:276 | #lifefest12:231 | #prochoice:229 | #tcot:267 | #prochoice:255 | #tcot:309 | #tcot:641 | #stericycle:566 | #prochoice:671 | #tcot:344 | #savita:278 | #tcot:645 | #tcot:404 | #tcot:482 | #prochoice:1295 | #prochoice:1208 | #prochoice:1054 | #prochoice:1507 | #notpaying4abortion:771 | #ppproject:508 | #betransparent:706 | #abq:711 | #tcot:456 | #whywemarch:1424 | #prochoice:1182 | #tcot:924 | #tcot:777 | #may28:1382 | #prochoice:1472 | #vote4kristen:2586 | #prochoice:1870 | #prochoice:1087 | #praytoendabortion:1093 | #prochoice:2324 | #pray2endabortion:4051 | #whywemarch:1628 | #prochoice:1762 | #prolifemovie:1882 | #praytoendabortion:815 | #hr36:1070 | #praytoendabortion:678 | #defundpp:5338 | #ppsellsbabyparts:6360 | #shoutyourabortion:3902 | #plannedparenthood:3221 | #defundpp:1641 | #defundpp:1051 | #marchforlife:2056 | #defundpp:1121 | #defundpp:901 | #tcot:1586 | #defundpp:1034 | #scotus:2182 | #tcot:1614 | |
#tcot:138 | #bioethics:185 | #filmfestival:102 | #tcot:283 | #lifefest12:275 | #prochoice:209 | #lifefest12:169 | #m312:159 | #tcot:239 | #plannedparenthood:109 | #rhbill:455 | #mitt:560 | #bloodtroll:432 | #savita:214 | #tcot:277 | #marchforlife:408 | #txwomenshealth:152 | #catholic:225 | #tcot:1122 | #tcot:965 | #exposepp:952 | #optoutamerica:1479 | #prochoice:748 | #tcot:451 | #voteyesnov19:623 | #theyfeelpain:624 | #prochoice:267 | #marchforlife:1166 | #whatwomenneed:899 | #prochoice:891 | #prochoice:774 | #praytoendabortion:1319 | #praytoendabortion:993 | #prochoice:1631 | #aftertiller:762 | #praytoendabortion:799 | #prochoice:1029 | #1in3speaks:1478 | #prochoice:2421 | #ipraytoendabortion:1121 | #personhood:640 | #prochoice:1458 | #prochoice:781 | #praytoendabortion:876 | #prolifegen:629 | #defundplannedparenthood:4674 | #defundplannedparenthood:4128 | #ppsellsbabyparts:3877 | #ppsellsbabyparts:2348 | #catholic:909 | #tcot:926 | #plannedparenthood:1945 | #prochoice:1097 | #prochoice:892 | #prochoice:1126 | #pjnet:963 | #pjnet:1293 | #noabortioncoercion:1453 | |
side2 | #prochoice:786 | #prochoice:401 | #prochoice:2001 | #prochoice:1140 | #prochoice:871 | #prochoice:703 | #prochoice:1100 | #prochoice:766 | #prochoice:520 | #prochoice:759 | #prochoice:724 | #prochoice:2446 | #prochoice:2226 | #prochoice:1709 | #prochoice:1310 | #prochoice:1132 | #prochoice:1044 | #prochoice:1061 | #prochoice:703 | #prochoice:701 | #prochoice:1712 | #prochoice:3624 | #prochoice:1002 | #prochoice:562 | #prochoice:483 | #abortion:566 | #praytoendabortion:819 | #abortion:726 | #abortion:575 | #abortion:674 | #nbprochoice:1371 | #prochoice:677 | #abortion:784 | #prochoice:796 | #abortion:1050 | #abortion:864 | #abortion:851 | #abortion:705 | #abortion:568 | #abortion:954 | #abortion:596 | #abortion:803 | #prochoice:737 | #abortion:892 | #abortion:1586 | #plannedparenthood:1528 | #standwithpp:1929 | #standwithpp:7334 | #prochoice:2026 | #plannedparenthood:3621 | #abortion:1724 | #abortion:1971 | #prochoice:1356 | #stopthesham:2460 | #prochoice:1477 | #abortion:1375 | #scotus:2185 | #abortion:1199 |
#prolife:170 | #prolife:187 | #prolife:1806 | #prolife:810 | #prolife:517 | #abortion:185 | #prolife:546 | #prolife:343 | #prolife:288 | #abortion:552 | #abortion:371 | #prolife:796 | #abortion:602 | #abortion:458 | #prolife:287 | #abortion:661 | #abortion:294 | #abortion:282 | #abortion:317 | #abortion:580 | #sb5:1269 | #hb2:2057 | #abortion:363 | #abortion:369 | #abortion:328 | #prochoice:464 | #prochoice:420 | #prochoice:519 | #prochoice:425 | #prochoice:647 | #prochoice:1081 | #abortion:533 | #prochoice:699 | #abortion:748 | #prochoice:775 | #sept28:686 | #prochoice:738 | #prochoice:675 | #prochoice:451 | #prochoice:837 | #prochoice:554 | #prochoice:600 | #abortion:734 | #prochoice:735 | #prochoice:752 | #standwithpp:1387 | #plannedparenthood:1783 | #prochoice:6680 | #standwithpp:1973 | #abortion:1804 | #plannedparenthood:1440 | #prochoice:1179 | #abortion:1092 | #prochoice:2051 | #abortion:1335 | #prochoice:684 | #abortion:1413 | #prochoice:952 | |
#abortion:41 | #abortion:78 | #antichoice:335 | #abortion:266 | #plannedparenthood:192 | #prolife:127 | #abortion:313 | #abortion:145 | #abortion:179 | #prolife:182 | #p2:140 | #abortion:490 | #prolife:562 | #prolife:428 | #abortion:263 | #prolife:345 | #prochoicefriend:266 | #prolife:253 | #gosnell:212 | #prolife:407 | #abortion:862 | #txlege:1587 | #prolife:261 | #sept28:343 | #abortionrightsemergency:125 | #hb2:134 | #abortion:321 | #roe41:181 | #mibomboesmio:132 | #abortionisnotacrime:210 | #abortion:581 | #nbprochoice:256 | #prolife:288 | #hobbylobby:238 | #abortionpei:350 | #prochoice:579 | #voteprochoice:615 | #1in3speaks:350 | #pray2endabortion:241 | #roe42:596 | #abortionchat:266 | #prolife:237 | #bowl15:305 | #txlege:405 | #prolife:323 | #abortion:1354 | #abortion:1103 | #plannedparenthood:6464 | #abortion:1969 | #prochoice:1541 | #prochoice:1365 | #plannedparenthood:1001 | #prolife:930 | #abortion:1899 | #prolife:923 | #wd2016:652 | #stopthesham:1388 | #nn16:720 | |
#hr358:27 | #give2max:58 | #abortion:228 | #antichoice:126 | #abortion:163 | #waronwomen:72 | #protectabortion:109 | #fem2:64 | #funds12:31 | #reprorights:79 | #prolife:129 | #m312:453 | #p2:395 | #savita:394 | #p2:119 | #roeat40:262 | #prolife:236 | #bowl13:105 | #reprorights:180 | #gosnell:182 | #txlege:793 | #swtw:1542 | #swtw:125 | #prolife:148 | #hb2:109 | #repealthe8th:124 | #fem2:97 | #stophr7:166 | #reprorights:115 | #bowl14:188 | #prolife:382 | #may28:146 | #scotus:262 | #abortionchat:214 | #repealthe8th:299 | #abortionstigma:478 | #hb2:364 | #prolife:216 | #prolife:205 | #roe4all:351 | #mybodymyrights:193 | #bowl15:208 | #prolife:177 | #prolife:330 | #hb2:306 | #prochoice:935 | #prochoice:959 | #abortion:5851 | #plannedparenthood:1873 | #prolife:1398 | #standwithpp:1251 | #prolife:787 | #stopthesham:625 | #abortionaccess:1817 | #bowl16:586 | #prolife:361 | #hb2:809 | #rncincle:625 | |
#p2:22 | #noon26:29 | #lolanti:138 | #vegan:32 | #komen:103 | #fem2:58 | #bowl12:84 | #prochoicemeet:63 | #prochoicenz:30 | #antichoice:62 | #fem2:111 | #p2:265 | #fem2:176 | #m312:222 | #savita:69 | #p2:144 | #fem2:43 | #northdakota:70 | #prolife:122 | #abortionaccessqld:88 | #exposecpc:649 | #abortion:1192 | #fjl:86 | #access13:127 | #fem2:107 | #texaswomenforever:117 | #givingtuesday:83 | #mibomboesmio:158 | #prolife:89 | #abortolibre:154 | #bowl14:251 | #prolife:141 | #abortstigma:242 | #prolife:193 | #abortionaccess:232 | #abortionchat:241 | #prolife:232 | #nbprochoice:150 | #abortionchat:165 | #roevwade:261 | #prolife:171 | #safeabortion:166 | #clpp2015:142 | #hb3994:287 | #funds15:277 | #4eachofus:556 | #gopdebate:520 | #prolife:5716 | #shoutyourabortion:1688 | #standwithpp:1394 | #prolife:1235 | #1in3speaks:773 | #plannedparenthood:564 | #clinicescort:1210 | #askaboutabortion:456 | #wdlive:299 | #prochoice:599 | #beboldendhyde:609 |
The table below shows the top 5 hashtags which are exclusively only on one side, for each month, along with the frequency. We first sort the hashtags by frequency and look at which hashtags were not present in the top 100 hashtags of the other side.
2011-09-30 -- 2011-10-31 | 2011-11-01 -- 2011-11-30 | 2011-12-01 -- 2011-12-31 | 2012-01-01 -- 2012-01-31 | 2012-02-01 -- 2012-02-29 | 2012-03-01 -- 2012-03-31 | 2012-04-01 -- 2012-04-30 | 2012-05-01 -- 2012-05-31 | 2012-06-01 -- 2012-06-30 | 2012-07-01 -- 2012-07-31 | 2012-08-01 -- 2012-08-31 | 2012-09-01 -- 2012-09-30 | 2012-10-01 -- 2012-10-31 | 2012-11-01 -- 2012-11-30 | 2012-12-01 -- 2012-12-31 | 2013-01-01 -- 2013-01-31 | 2013-02-01 -- 2013-02-28 | 2013-03-01 -- 2013-03-31 | 2013-04-10 -- 2013-04-30 | 2013-05-01 -- 2013-05-31 | 2013-06-01 -- 2013-06-30 | 2013-07-01 -- 2013-07-31 | 2013-08-01 -- 2013-08-31 | 2013-09-01 -- 2013-09-30 | 2013-10-01 -- 2013-10-31 | 2013-11-01 -- 2013-11-30 | 2013-12-01 -- 2013-12-31 | 2014-01-01 -- 2014-01-31 | 2014-02-01 -- 2014-02-28 | 2014-03-01 -- 2014-03-31 | 2014-04-01 -- 2014-04-30 | 2014-05-01 -- 2014-05-31 | 2014-06-01 -- 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-01 -- 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-01 -- 2014-08-31 | 2014-09-01 -- 2014-09-30 | 2014-10-01 -- 2014-10-31 | 2014-11-01 -- 2014-11-30 | 2014-12-01 -- 2014-12-31 | 2015-01-01 -- 2015-01-31 | 2015-02-01 -- 2015-02-28 | 2015-03-01 -- 2015-03-31 | 2015-04-01 -- 2015-04-30 | 2015-05-01 -- 2015-05-31 | 2015-06-01 -- 2015-06-30 | 2015-07-01 -- 2015-07-31 | 2015-08-01 -- 2015-08-31 | 2015-09-01 -- 2015-09-30 | 2015-10-01 -- 2015-10-31 | 2015-11-01 -- 2015-11-30 | 2015-12-01 -- 2015-12-31 | 2016-01-01 -- 2016-01-31 | 2016-02-01 -- 2016-02-29 | 2016-03-01 -- 2016-03-31 | 2016-04-01 -- 2016-04-30 | 2016-05-01 -- 2016-05-31 | 2016-06-01 -- 2016-06-30 | 2016-07-01 -- 2016-07-31 | |
side1 | #bioethics:158 | #rhbill:213 | #lifefest12:151 | #lifefest12:388 | #tcot:411 | #tcot:356 | #tcot:258 | #tcot:267 | #newabortioncaravan:370 | #tcot:309 | #tcot:641 | #stericycle:566 | #tcot:675 | #tcot:344 | #tcot:277 | #tcot:645 | #tcot:404 | #tcot:482 | #tcot:1122 | #tcot:965 | #theyfeelpain:1297 | #stand4life:3899 | #tcot:962 | #ppproject:508 | #latetermabortion:724 | #abq4life:1084 | #tcot:456 | #whywemarch:1424 | #praytoendabortion:1491 | #praytoendabortion:1395 | #praytoendabortion:1392 | #praytoendabortion:1319 | #prolifeyouth:1600 | #tcot:2596 | #tcot:3834 | #tcot:1513 | #tcot:1832 | #tcot:3493 | #tcot:6088 | #tcot:4575 | #tcot:7115 | #tcot:4223 | #tcot:1924 | #theyfeelpain:1995 | #prolifeyouth:3173 | #ppsellsbabyparts:10094 | #defundpp:10523 | #defundpp:6147 | #defundpp:3689 | #defundpp:1641 | #defundpp:1051 | #whywemarch:3405 | #tcot:1189 | #tcot:1139 | #praytoendabortion:1633 | #praytoendabortion:2459 | #praytoendabortion:2722 | #praytoendabortion:2861 |
#tcot:138 | #bioethics:185 | #filmfestival:102 | #tcot:283 | #filmfestival:276 | #lifefest12:231 | #lifefest12:169 | #m312:159 | #tcot:239 | #gr:108 | #rhbill:455 | #mitt:560 | #bloodtroll:432 | #catholic:192 | #notorhbill:186 | #marchforlife:408 | #txwomenshealth:152 | #catholic:225 | #catholic:521 | #inhuman:903 | #tcot:929 | #optoutamerica:1479 | #notpaying4abortion:771 | #tcot:451 | #voteyesnov19:623 | #theyfeelpain:624 | #herobamacare:207 | #marchforlife:1166 | #whatwomenneed:899 | #tcot:924 | #tcot:777 | #tcot:674 | #praytoendabortion:993 | #vote4kristen:2586 | #praytoendabortion:556 | #praytoendabortion:799 | #praytoendabortion:1093 | #praytoendabortion:1046 | #praytoendabortion:829 | #whywemarch:1628 | #personhood:640 | #prolifemovie:1882 | #praytoendabortion:815 | #praytoendabortion:876 | #praytoendabortion:678 | #defundpp:5338 | #ppsellsbabyparts:6360 | #ppsellsbabyparts:3877 | #ppsellsbabyparts:2348 | #catholic:909 | #tcot:926 | #marchforlife:2056 | #defundpp:1121 | #defundpp:901 | #tcot:1586 | #defundpp:1034 | #pjnet:1293 | #tcot:1614 | |
#humanrights:81 | #tcot:121 | #bioethics:81 | #filmfestival:235 | #lifefest12:275 | #filmfestival:200 | #filmfestival:137 | #gr:80 | #endthekilling:165 | #rhbill:73 | #notorhbill:452 | #tcot:422 | #m312:316 | #vinb:146 | #vigil4life:156 | #catholic:174 | #catholic:104 | #pjnet:201 | #rosary:454 | #plannedparenthood:245 | #hr1797:420 | #tcot:1057 | #stand4life:538 | #stand4life:288 | #obamacare:610 | #tcot:436 | #catholic:179 | #tcot:483 | #rhlaw:751 | #rhlaw:546 | #rhlaw:559 | #vigil4life:416 | #tcot:759 | #right2life:1345 | #plannedparenthood:406 | #wevoteprolife:382 | #prolifegen:374 | #waronwomen:604 | #personhood:512 | #ipraytoendabortion:1121 | #praytoendabortion:605 | #praytoendabortion:793 | #ccot:331 | #marchforlife:839 | #prolifegen:629 | #defundplannedparenthood:4674 | #defundplannedparenthood:4128 | #pjnet:1625 | #tcot:1301 | #christian:885 | #praytoendabortion:767 | #defundpp:1470 | #praytoendabortion:893 | #plannedparenthood:880 | #plannedparenthood:1070 | #pjnet:963 | #defundpp:1255 | #noabortioncoercion:1453 | |
#180movie:72 | #socialjustice:110 | #life:71 | #film:161 | #hollywood:147 | #la:137 | #life:102 | #catholic:60 | #m312:164 | #m312:63 | #personhood:137 | #rhbill:412 | #m408:270 | #plannedparenthood:104 | #ireland:126 | #vigil4life:138 | #40daysforlife:97 | #trcot:111 | #en:449 | #pjnet:237 | #scrapthebill:338 | #plannedparenthood:591 | #plannedparenthood:473 | #catholic:223 | #nm:508 | #betransparent:405 | #stand4life:150 | #romania:452 | #tcot:745 | #sanger:400 | #catholic:236 | #gosnell:269 | #plannedparenthood:478 | #praytoendabortion:761 | #personhood:290 | #plannedparenthood:284 | #plannedparenthood:334 | #plannedparenthood:392 | #god:437 | #marchforlife:751 | #god:596 | #no2trudeau:605 | #lifebeginsatconception:314 | #tcot:764 | #tcot:570 | #tcot:2685 | #protestpp:3072 | #defundplannedparenthood:1414 | #catholic:1217 | #ppsellsbabyparts:885 | #ppsellsbabyparts:342 | #tcot:1403 | #catholic:559 | #theyfeelpain:756 | #defundpp:842 | #tcot:903 | #plannedparenthood:1244 | #pjnet:1076 | |
#life:68 | #humanrights:92 | #humanrights:58 | #marchforlife:146 | #life:136 | #life:122 | #la:78 | #gr:159 | #catholic:59 | #plannedparenthood:117 | #plc2012:158 | #debate:216 | #xcase:123 | #plannedparenthood:136 | #sotu:83 | #saveboth:105 | #reginacaeli:441 | #marchforlife:222 | #vigil4life:314 | #abortions:379 | #lifematters:397 | #menforlife:195 | #abq2013:442 | #obamacare:381 | #progodprolife:132 | #legalabortion:450 | #cookiecott:396 | #plannedparenthood:327 | #yes2rh:163 | #prayforvenezuela:253 | #100prolifethings:478 | #right2lif:569 | #god:281 | #aftertiller:209 | #silentday:313 | #god:262 | #gosnell:331 | #praytoendabortion:469 | #preborn:397 | #god:363 | #pjnet:272 | #ivoteprolifefirst:335 | #theyfeelpain:413 | #anotherboy:1488 | #tcot:2712 | #ccot:1332 | #christian:1163 | #christians:825 | #catholic:312 | #praytoendabortion:1092 | #ccot:517 | #praytoendabortion:634 | #tedcruz:598 | #plannedparenthood:760 | #tcot:1188 | #plannedparenthood:1068 | |||
side2 | #hr358:27 | #give2max:58 | #antichoice:335 | #antichoice:126 | #p2:88 | #waronwomen:72 | #protectabortion:109 | #fem2:64 | #funds12:31 | #reprorights:79 | #p2:140 | #p2:265 | #p2:395 | #p2:166 | #p2:119 | #roeat40:262 | #prochoicefriend:266 | #bowl13:105 | #reprorights:180 | #abortionaccessqld:88 | #standwithwendy:335 | #swtw:1542 | #swtw:125 | #access13:127 | #abortionrightsemergency:125 | #hb2:134 | #fem2:97 | #roe41:181 | #mibomboesmio:132 | #abortionisnotacrime:210 | #nbprochoice:1371 | #nbprochoice:256 | #protectthezone:162 | #abortionchat:214 | #abortionpei:350 | #sept28:686 | #voteprochoice:615 | #nbprochoice:150 | #abortionchat:165 | #roe42:596 | #abortionchat:266 | #bowl15:208 | #bowl15:305 | #abortionchat:193 | #hb2:306 | #standwithpp:1387 | #standwithpp:1929 | #standwithpp:7334 | #standwithpp:1973 | #standwithpp:1394 | #standwithpp:1251 | #1in3speaks:773 | #stopthesham:625 | #abortionaccess:1817 | #bowl16:586 | #wd2016:652 | #stopthesham:1388 | #nn16:720 |
#p2:22 | #noon26:29 | #lolanti:138 | #vegan:32 | #fem2:67 | #fem2:58 | #bowl12:84 | #prochoicemeet:63 | #prochoicenz:30 | #antichoice:62 | #fem2:111 | #safeabortion:152 | #fem2:176 | #fem2:95 | #naralsummit:69 | #p2:144 | #fem2:43 | #northdakota:70 | #politas:118 | #reprorights:73 | #p2:292 | #sb1:1164 | #fjl:86 | #abortionaccess:91 | #hb2:109 | #repealthe8th:124 | #givingtuesday:83 | #stophr7:166 | #reprorights:115 | #bowl14:188 | #bowl14:251 | #fem2:105 | #pakistan:84 | #nbprochoice:139 | #repealthe8th:299 | #abortionstigma:478 | #hb2:364 | #voteprochoice:148 | #givingtuesday:155 | #roe4all:351 | #mybodymyrights:193 | #safeabortion:166 | #clpp2015:142 | #fem2:183 | #funds15:277 | #4eachofus:556 | #uniteblue:319 | #uniteblue:4607 | #shoutyourabortion:1688 | #shoutyourabortion:801 | #feminism:544 | #standwithpp:772 | #askaboutabortion:498 | #clinicescort:1210 | #askaboutabortion:456 | #wdlive:299 | #hb2:809 | #rncincle:625 | |
#fem2:25 | #vegan:34 | #atheism:30 | #antichoice:65 | #iwd:54 | #spucoff:59 | #p2:53 | #gop:28 | #fem2:61 | #reprorights:81 | #fem2:116 | #morocco:168 | #waronwomen:81 | #fem2:68 | #roe40chat:96 | #p2:42 | #fem2:60 | #prochoicetas:115 | #fem2:70 | #wow:257 | #wow:810 | #hb2:82 | #thingsabortionfundssay:76 | #fem2:107 | #texaswomenforever:117 | #abortionchat:83 | #mibomboesmio:158 | #abortolibre:84 | #abortolibre:154 | #alabama:209 | #reprorights:103 | #srhr:77 | #helmshurts:119 | #abortionchat:220 | #abortionchat:241 | #abortionchat:167 | #abortionchat:133 | #helmshurts:139 | #roevwade:261 | #aiac2015:146 | #csw59:127 | #safeabortion:129 | #pei:180 | #nihrcabortion:212 | #reprorights:213 | #reprorights:259 | #ppact:3524 | #uniteblue:1269 | #uniteblue:771 | #shoutyourabortion:448 | #reclaimroe:492 | #demdebate:379 | #bowl16:540 | #demdebate:378 | #repealthe8th:248 | #repealthe8th:577 | #beboldendhyde:609 | ||
#prolifer:23 | #atheism:30 | #atheist:28 | #p2:52 | #waronwomen:57 | #waronwomen:51 | #protectabortion:27 | #reprojustice:52 | #gop:63 | #sept28:102 | #safeabortion:158 | #antichoice:74 | #m408:39 | #fem2:84 | #p2:56 | #bowl13:86 | #p2:57 | #hb60:247 | #reprorights:762 | #fem2:73 | #hyde37:73 | #fightbacktx:91 | #fem2:114 | #protectchoice:78 | #fem2:87 | #london:83 | #iwd2014:140 | #balls4dcaf:163 | #antichoice:72 | #fem2:75 | #scotus:115 | #hb2:209 | #nbprochoice:204 | #fightbacktx:132 | #untoldstories:129 | #humanrights:81 | #abortionrights:241 | #bowl15:120 | #fem2:122 | #1in3:119 | #stopthebans:171 | #notacriminal:200 | #abortionchat:212 | #stoppatriarchy:242 | #pp:2502 | #ppact:1034 | #ppact:565 | #uniteblue:417 | #stopthesham:487 | #standwithpp:352 | #wontbepunished:517 | #abortionpositive:348 | #actforwomen:161 | #txlege:494 | #scotus:294 | ||||
#p2:22 | #sexed:30 | #prochoiceprotest:36 | #lolanti:45 | #women:43 | #diyabortion:23 | #prochoicenz:42 | #endthestigma:84 | #debates:99 | #ireland:66 | #roe:70 | #lolanti:47 | #womenschoice:72 | #icgpagm:50 | #feminist:237 | #waronwomen:749 | #lolanti:72 | #antichoice:61 | #p2:60 | #decriminaliseabortion:105 | #helmshurts:72 | #itstime:72 | #bowl14:80 | #reprorights:103 | #reprorights:137 | #alabama:70 | #uniteblue:101 | #tacoorbeerchallenge:149 | #repealthe8th:181 | #pei:98 | #pei:119 | #reprojustice:80 | #7in10forroe:159 | #fem2:104 | #balls4dcaf:118 | #cpd48:117 | #reprorights:142 | #abortionchat:193 | #beboldendhyde:206 | #abortionchat:238 | #ppfa:2366 | #ppfa:1030 | #ppfa:559 | #ppfa:276 | #abortionnotacrime:456 | #scotus:336 | #iwd2016:497 | #abortionrights:289 | #mydecision:380 | #repealthe8th:281 |