The table below shows the top 5 keywords used on each side, for each month, along with the frequency.
2011-09-30 -- 2011-10-31 | 2011-11-01 -- 2011-11-30 | 2011-12-01 -- 2011-12-31 | 2012-01-01 -- 2012-01-31 | 2012-02-01 -- 2012-02-29 | 2012-03-01 -- 2012-03-31 | 2012-04-01 -- 2012-04-30 | 2012-05-01 -- 2012-05-31 | 2012-06-01 -- 2012-06-30 | 2012-07-01 -- 2012-07-31 | 2012-08-01 -- 2012-08-31 | 2012-09-01 -- 2012-09-30 | 2012-10-01 -- 2012-10-31 | 2012-11-01 -- 2012-11-30 | 2012-12-01 -- 2012-12-31 | 2013-01-01 -- 2013-01-31 | 2013-02-01 -- 2013-02-28 | 2013-03-01 -- 2013-03-31 | 2013-04-10 -- 2013-04-30 | 2013-05-01 -- 2013-05-31 | 2013-06-01 -- 2013-06-30 | 2013-07-01 -- 2013-07-31 | 2013-08-01 -- 2013-08-31 | 2013-09-01 -- 2013-09-30 | 2013-10-01 -- 2013-10-31 | 2013-11-01 -- 2013-11-30 | 2013-12-01 -- 2013-12-31 | 2014-01-01 -- 2014-01-31 | 2014-02-01 -- 2014-02-28 | 2014-03-01 -- 2014-03-31 | 2014-04-01 -- 2014-04-30 | 2014-05-01 -- 2014-05-31 | 2014-06-01 -- 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-01 -- 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-01 -- 2014-08-31 | 2014-09-01 -- 2014-09-30 | 2014-10-01 -- 2014-10-31 | 2014-11-01 -- 2014-11-30 | 2014-12-01 -- 2014-12-31 | 2015-01-01 -- 2015-01-31 | 2015-02-01 -- 2015-02-28 | 2015-03-01 -- 2015-03-31 | 2015-04-01 -- 2015-04-30 | 2015-05-01 -- 2015-05-31 | 2015-06-01 -- 2015-06-30 | 2015-07-01 -- 2015-07-31 | 2015-08-01 -- 2015-08-31 | 2015-09-01 -- 2015-09-30 | 2015-10-01 -- 2015-10-31 | 2015-11-01 -- 2015-11-30 | 2015-12-01 -- 2015-12-31 | 2016-01-01 -- 2016-01-31 | 2016-02-01 -- 2016-02-29 | 2016-03-01 -- 2016-03-31 | 2016-04-01 -- 2016-04-30 | 2016-05-01 -- 2016-05-31 | 2016-06-01 -- 2016-06-30 | 2016-07-01 -- 2016-07-31 | |
side1 | obamacare:391 | obamacare:441 | obamacare:141 | obamacare:628 | obamacare:1049 | obamacare:2922 | obamacare:1058 | obamacare:773 | obamacare:3312 | obamacare:2818 | obamacare:1736 | obamacare:1424 | obamacare:3442 | obamacare:4016 | obamacare:1573 | obamacare:1610 | obamacare:2298 | obamacare:4151 | obamacare:2333 | obamacare:5284 | obamacare:3885 | obamacare:8992 | obamacare:10211 | obamacare:26154 | obamacare:33264 | obamacare:30692 | obamacare:17698 | obamacare:7112 | obamacare:10644 | obamacare:13683 | obamacare:8966 | obamacare:5525 | obamacare:3423 | obamacare:4853 | obamacare:3169 | obamacare:3687 | obamacare:5865 | obamacare:13073 | obamacare:4613 | obamacare:3266 | obamacare:3471 | obamacare:3905 | obamacare:2489 | obamacare:2910 | obamacare:6923 | obamacare:3336 | obamacare:2904 | obamacare:2705 | obamacare:4504 | obamacare:5098 | obamacare:4242 | obamacare:5335 | obamacare:6786 | obamacare:6666 | obamacare:5775 | obamacare:7828 | obamacare:7556 | obamacare:9202 |
repeal:103 | #tcot:109 | #hcr:75 | #obamacare:132 | #obamacare:187 | #obamacare:1124 | #obamacare:433 | #obamacare:716 | #obamacare:1857 | #obamacare:1084 | medicare:620 | #obamacare:275 | obama:707 | #tcot:514 | #tcot:302 | #tcot:230 | #obamacare:651 | #obamacare:1076 | #obamacare:605 | #obamacare:2421 | #obamacare:1417 | #obamacare:3802 | #obamacare:3471 | #defundobamacare:10321 | #obamacare:17991 | #obamacare:14139 | #obamacare:7174 | #obamacare:4798 | #obamacare:7740 | #obamacare:7887 | #obamacare:4615 | #obamacare:2784 | #obamacare:1840 | #obamacare:2596 | #obamacare:1895 | #obamacare:2545 | #obamacare:3607 | #obamacare:5586 | #obamacare:2802 | #obamacare:1931 | #obamacare:2490 | #obamacare:2785 | #obamacare:1337 | #obamacare:1780 | #obamacare:4501 | #obamacare:1640 | #obamacare:1430 | #obamacare:1427 | #obamacare:2148 | #obamacare:2627 | #obamacare:2711 | #obamacare:3376 | #obamacare:3128 | #obamacare:3402 | #obamacare:2910 | #obamacare:3864 | #obamacare:3483 | #obamacare:4267 | |
#tcot:59 | court:98 | #obamacare:75 | repeal:107 | mandate:136 | #tcot:626 | obama:256 | amp:201 | #tcot:708 | #tcot:614 | #obamacare:379 | tax:253 | #tcot:455 | obama:498 | #obamacare:289 | #obamacare:229 | amp:436 | #tcot:540 | congress:344 | irs:1468 | #tcot:591 | delay:1142 | #defundobamacare:2449 | #obamacare:9738 | amp:5405 | obama:5604 | obama:2562 | #tcot:1384 | #tcot:3123 | #tcot:3941 | #tcot:1813 | #tcot:1191 | #tcot:642 | #tcot:954 | #aca:640 | #tcot:767 | #tcot:1232 | gruber:3126 | gruber:981 | #tcot:530 | repeal:803 | amp:706 | amp:401 | #aca:525 | court:1184 | repeal:630 | amp:550 | amp:487 | amp:675 | #aca:820 | repeal:972 | repeal:1587 | trump:1421 | amp:1051 | amp:841 | amp:1059 | amp:1031 | obama:1301 | |
#obamacare:36 | supreme:91 | #tcot:45 | #tcot:101 | #tcot:134 | #ilikeobamacare:460 | #tcot:201 | health:182 | tax:673 | repeal:581 | #tcot:299 | #tcot:214 | #obamacare:422 | #obamacare:438 | tax:251 | gun:171 | #tcot:295 | amp:447 | exempt:263 | #obamacareinthreewords:1092 | amp:460 | amp:1114 | #tcot:1266 | #makedclisten:7579 | obama:4442 | #tcot:4304 | #tcot:2465 | amp:1212 | obama:1927 | obama:2223 | obama:1353 | amp:759 | #pjnet:582 | court:659 | #tcot:636 | #aca:709 | #aca:883 | architect:2513 | amp:924 | amp:521 | #tcot:605 | #tcot:618 | tax:370 | amp:417 | amp:1161 | amp:562 | repeal:453 | repeal:348 | #tcot:611 | #tcot:689 | amp:735 | amp:1125 | amp:1041 | #aca:809 | #tcot:721 | #tcot:951 | #aca:875 | amp:1283 | |
health:32 | repeal:73 | repeal:29 | romney:97 | obama:117 | court:398 | court:118 | #tcot:148 | ruling:574 | tax:552 | obama:278 | obama:190 | medicare:344 | amp:299 | health:150 | obama:166 | #aca:287 | defund:445 | #tcot:263 | repeal:882 | irs:457 | mandate:1086 | amp:1244 | vote:5417 | website:4325 | amp:3542 | amp:1979 | obama:950 | amp:1799 | amp:1557 | amp:1155 | #pjnet:687 | amp:574 | amp:652 | amp:457 | obama:541 | amp:804 | #tcot:2138 | #tcot:895 | tax:360 | #fullrepeal:601 | years:384 | #tcot:366 | #tcot:379 | #scotus:1015 | #aca:531 | plan:372 | #tcot:313 | #aca:523 | amp:664 | senate:672 | bill:870 | repeal:837 | #tcot:786 | health:695 | #pjnet:922 | #pjnet:847 | #pjnet:1196 | |
side2 | #thanksobamacare:105 | #thanksobamacare:195 | #thanksobamacare:128 | obamacare:149 | #aca:94 | #aca:584 | obamacare:232 | obamacare:227 | obamacare:1566 | obamacare:1186 | obamacare:732 | obamacare:1088 | obamacare:1702 | obamacare:1340 | obamacare:436 | obamacare:590 | obamacare:320 | obamacare:873 | obamacare:294 | obamacare:1430 | obamacare:870 | obamacare:2019 | obamacare:2957 | obamacare:7371 | obamacare:6960 | obamacare:6222 | obamacare:3659 | obamacare:1320 | obamacare:2167 | obamacare:3635 | obamacare:4112 | obamacare:1993 | obamacare:1313 | obamacare:1768 | obamacare:939 | obamacare:1566 | obamacare:1829 | obamacare:2778 | obamacare:1267 | obamacare:1123 | obamacare:1499 | obamacare:3073 | obamacare:1387 | obamacare:1331 | obamacare:4109 | obamacare:1275 | obamacare:1223 | obamacare:900 | obamacare:888 | obamacare:1349 | obamacare:1307 | obamacare:2318 | obamacare:2066 | obamacare:1822 | obamacare:1349 | obamacare:1722 | obamacare:2445 | obamacare:2300 |
obamacare:85 | obamacare:92 | health:67 | #thanksobamacare:87 | obamacare:81 | obamacare:471 | #aca:105 | #aca:117 | #aca:1127 | #aca:616 | #aca:289 | romney:268 | romney:415 | life:292 | #aca:197 | #aca:200 | #obamacare:192 | #aca:414 | #aca:171 | repeal:576 | #obamacare:618 | #obamacare:1341 | #obamacare:1609 | #obamacare:4252 | #obamacare:4300 | #obamacare:3207 | #obamacare:2030 | #obamacare:1053 | #obamacare:1045 | #aca:2581 | #obamacare:2111 | #obamacare:796 | #aca:468 | #obamacare:775 | #obamacare:512 | #obamacare:857 | #obamacare:1423 | #obamacare:1477 | #obamacare:829 | #obamacare:914 | #obamacare:1105 | #obamacare:1531 | #obamacare:790 | #obamacare:570 | #obamacare:2001 | #aca:516 | #obamacare:480 | #obamacare:407 | #aca:464 | #aca:588 | #obamacare:515 | #obamacare:957 | #aca:554 | #aca:883 | #aca:444 | #aca:522 | repeal:815 | #obamacare:520 | |
#hcr:31 | health:57 | obamacare:56 | #aca:51 | #thanksobamacare:76 | health:260 | care:46 | health:84 | #scotus:447 | repeal:331 | medicare:202 | ryan:230 | insurance:303 | insurance:211 | gop:116 | ceo:118 | #aca:153 | #obamacare:277 | #obamacare:94 | #obamacare:538 | #aca:327 | #aca:655 | #aca:826 | #aca:1973 | #aca:2889 | #aca:2906 | #aca:1707 | #aca:765 | #aca:1039 | #obamacare:1888 | #aca:1938 | #aca:733 | #obamacare:424 | #aca:561 | #aca:366 | #aca:543 | #aca:822 | #aca:1141 | #aca:594 | #aca:705 | #aca:719 | #aca:1028 | #aca:466 | #aca:428 | #aca:1642 | #obamacare:463 | #aca:397 | #aca:385 | #obamacare:345 | #obamacare:416 | repeal:424 | #aca:859 | #obamacare:419 | #obamacare:436 | #obamacare:342 | #obamacare:345 | gop:528 | #aca:485 | |
#aca:22 | #aca:54 | #obamacares:44 | health:41 | health:42 | care:202 | health:45 | care:61 | health:331 | gop:209 | care:177 | paul:194 | @barackobama:293 | john:190 | amp:100 | foods:105 | medicaid:129 | repeal:196 | health:73 | #obamacareinthreewords:478 | health:286 | health:563 | gop:613 | health:1548 | gop:1240 | health:1059 | health:692 | health:357 | gop:358 | health:700 | million:874 | gop:415 | gop:210 | health:263 | health:205 | health:271 | health:461 | health:442 | gop:210 | health:340 | health:389 | cruz:776 | gop:253 | gop:171 | #scotus:1110 | repeal:241 | uninsured:263 | health:216 | amp:133 | health:270 | #aca:401 | repeal:729 | repeal:396 | health:378 | health:206 | gop:220 | #aca:500 | slavery:360 | |
insurance:21 | care:48 | care:40 | obamacares:40 | care:42 | @barackobama:171 | #thanksobamacare:32 | #obamacares:51 | #obamacare:281 | health:192 | health:167 | care:186 | health:270 | papa:185 | #obamacare:86 | health:95 | update:96 | care:191 | amp:51 | #aca:346 | #hcr:233 | gop:452 | health:545 | gop:1364 | health:1050 | insurance:1055 | care:518 | gop:241 | million:316 | #getcovered:656 | people:612 | health:259 | health:180 | gop:243 | gop:138 | care:224 | care:293 | enrollment:364 | amp:199 | gop:223 | gop:341 | ted:692 | health:247 | republicans:169 | court:1076 | gop:196 | health:240 | repeal:141 | health:128 | repeal:180 | #uniteblue:218 | amp:395 | #gopdebate:325 | care:314 | insurance:183 | amp:172 | times:433 | health:323 |
The table below shows the top 5 keywords which are exclusively only on one side, for each month, along with the frequency. We first sort the keywords by frequency and look at which keywords were not present in the top 100 keywords of the other side.
2011-09-30 -- 2011-10-31 | 2011-11-01 -- 2011-11-30 | 2011-12-01 -- 2011-12-31 | 2012-01-01 -- 2012-01-31 | 2012-02-01 -- 2012-02-29 | 2012-03-01 -- 2012-03-31 | 2012-04-01 -- 2012-04-30 | 2012-05-01 -- 2012-05-31 | 2012-06-01 -- 2012-06-30 | 2012-07-01 -- 2012-07-31 | 2012-08-01 -- 2012-08-31 | 2012-09-01 -- 2012-09-30 | 2012-10-01 -- 2012-10-31 | 2012-11-01 -- 2012-11-30 | 2012-12-01 -- 2012-12-31 | 2013-01-01 -- 2013-01-31 | 2013-02-01 -- 2013-02-28 | 2013-03-01 -- 2013-03-31 | 2013-04-10 -- 2013-04-30 | 2013-05-01 -- 2013-05-31 | 2013-06-01 -- 2013-06-30 | 2013-07-01 -- 2013-07-31 | 2013-08-01 -- 2013-08-31 | 2013-09-01 -- 2013-09-30 | 2013-10-01 -- 2013-10-31 | 2013-11-01 -- 2013-11-30 | 2013-12-01 -- 2013-12-31 | 2014-01-01 -- 2014-01-31 | 2014-02-01 -- 2014-02-28 | 2014-03-01 -- 2014-03-31 | 2014-04-01 -- 2014-04-30 | 2014-05-01 -- 2014-05-31 | 2014-06-01 -- 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-01 -- 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-01 -- 2014-08-31 | 2014-09-01 -- 2014-09-30 | 2014-10-01 -- 2014-10-31 | 2014-11-01 -- 2014-11-30 | 2014-12-01 -- 2014-12-31 | 2015-01-01 -- 2015-01-31 | 2015-02-01 -- 2015-02-28 | 2015-03-01 -- 2015-03-31 | 2015-04-01 -- 2015-04-30 | 2015-05-01 -- 2015-05-31 | 2015-06-01 -- 2015-06-30 | 2015-07-01 -- 2015-07-31 | 2015-08-01 -- 2015-08-31 | 2015-09-01 -- 2015-09-30 | 2015-10-01 -- 2015-10-31 | 2015-11-01 -- 2015-11-30 | 2015-12-01 -- 2015-12-31 | 2016-01-01 -- 2016-01-31 | 2016-02-01 -- 2016-02-29 | 2016-03-01 -- 2016-03-31 | 2016-04-01 -- 2016-04-30 | 2016-05-01 -- 2016-05-31 | 2016-06-01 -- 2016-06-30 | 2016-07-01 -- 2016-07-31 | |
side1 | romneycare:31 | #tcot:109 | #tcot:45 | #tcot:101 | repeal:92 | government:161 | trillion:63 | tax:106 | #fullrepeal:405 | #fullrepeal:312 | @paulryanvp:141 | taxes:116 | #tcot:455 | tax:257 | #tcot:302 | #tcot:230 | docs:267 | #tcot:540 | #tcot:263 | #irs:646 | irs:457 | @sentedcruz:987 | #defundobamacare:2449 | cloture:3466 | #makedclisten:3200 | @sentedcruz:1384 | #pjnet:897 | #pjnet:347 | #benghazi:1703 | #repealobamacare:1137 | #pjnet:829 | #pjnet:687 | #pjnet:582 | #pjnet:586 | #pjnet:412 | #pjnet:476 | #pjnet:566 | architect:2513 | #gruber:721 | #arleg:264 | #fullrepeal:601 | #pjnet:338 | #pjnet:251 | #pjnet:340 | #pjnet:430 | #tcot:499 | #tcot:372 | #tcot:313 | #tcot:611 | #tcot:689 | #healthcare:320 | #pjnet:483 | #tcot:660 | #tcot:786 | #tcot:721 | #tcot:951 | #pjnet:847 | #pjnet:1196 |
class:31 | repeal:73 | repeal:29 | mandate:48 | government:55 | costs:153 | cost:58 | healthcare:74 | vote:187 | taxes:203 | fund:130 | pay:102 | #cantafford4more:281 | taxes:203 | tax:251 | gun:171 | #hcsm:225 | defund:445 | exemption:156 | charge:387 | #irs:444 | #defundobamacare:773 | @sentedcruz:918 | fund:2757 | @sentedcruz:2542 | video:951 | @sentedcruz:696 | #benghazi:307 | #obamaisasnake:1035 | @barackobama:893 | #teaparty:520 | #teaparty:332 | irs:216 | irs:237 | doctors:171 | report:325 | #hcr:477 | #gruber:1737 | jonathan:437 | expansion:259 | #pjnet:359 | #hcr:214 | billion:124 | congress:298 | costs:329 | #pjnet:289 | #pjnet:212 | read:192 | illegal:414 | premiums:305 | #hcr:314 | desk:410 | mandate:579 | #pjnet:594 | #pjnet:480 | #pjnet:922 | #tcot:805 | #tcot:927 | |
act:28 | kagan:53 | #gop:21 | supreme:44 | medicaid:55 | cbo:148 | medicaid:55 | medicaid:66 | #teaparty:142 | #teaparty:155 | tax:127 | middle:85 | taxes:267 | jobs:175 | obama:133 | tax:135 | tax:156 | @sentedcruz:363 | baucus:148 | office:239 | #pjnet:269 | @senmikelee:432 | sign:847 | #standwithcruz:2420 | #defundobamacare:2333 | #makedclisten:876 | #teaparty:584 | #fullrepeal:303 | #fakejobsreports:707 | premiums:819 | enrollees:295 | exchanges:238 | #teaparty:202 | #teaparty:235 | #teaparty:163 | abortion:283 | election:451 | video:1232 | architect:383 | harvard:218 | act:288 | #fullrepeal:188 | irs:119 | exchange:279 | bill:310 | fight:161 | #walker16:184 | deal:176 | immigrants:374 | #hcr:290 | #teaparty:233 | trump:392 | #pjnet:517 | clinton:508 | losses:382 | premiums:510 | premiums:774 | ops:531 | |
law:23 | #utpol:45 | #healthreform:18 | court:43 | court:47 | medicaid:127 | president:53 | medical:63 | @mittromney:136 | doctors:118 | 716:117 | cbo:81 | senate:172 | states:149 | taxes:128 | premiums:84 | #hcldr:155 | tax:264 | democrats:97 | train:236 | @sentedcruz:168 | irs:427 | #dontfundit:822 | american:1817 | delay:1336 | #fullrepeal:871 | president:544 | @sentedcruz:280 | #irsgate:610 | delay:779 | #fullrepeal:293 | tax:212 | #irs:178 | #fullrepeal:227 | #fullrepeal:155 | gao:228 | 2015:337 | american:1119 | #pjnet:316 | #pjnet:199 | words:233 | #brokenpromises:187 | #hcc:112 | exchanges:209 | 2016:284 | call:159 | fight:136 | #pjnet:168 | obama:348 | #pjnet:278 | #pjnet:212 | #hcr:323 | @realdonaldtrump:487 | #tedcruz:472 | @tedcruz:363 | insurers:397 | obama:716 | #healthcare:442 | |
romney:21 | hear:35 | romney:16 | waivers:33 | costs:43 | trillion:112 | irs:51 | house:62 | taxes:125 | senate:101 | taxes:88 | class:79 | covered:156 | layoffs:149 | medical:96 | taxes:81 | 000:153 | premiums:253 | coming:92 | wreck:221 | immigration:158 | bill:418 | petition:768 | stand:1771 | american:1208 | disaster:824 | #fullrepeal:540 | bad:260 | #pjnet:568 | #pjnet:729 | won:247 | #tlot:197 | #fullrepeal:168 | illegal:211 | official:152 | tax:226 | doctors:318 | stupid:1077 | amnesty:288 | #hcr:185 | @senatorburr:233 | @tedcruz:185 | medicare:112 | visits:177 | premiums:268 | full:152 | law:117 | iran:163 | @realdonaldtrump:335 | failed:233 | #repealobamacare:210 | #healthcare:296 | @tedcruz:485 | @realdonaldtrump:449 | largest:349 | #hcr:368 | blue:505 | insurers:386 | |
side2 | #thanksobamacare:105 | #thanksobamacare:195 | #thanksobamacare:128 | #thanksobamacare:87 | #aca:94 | @barackobama:171 | #thanksobamacare:32 | #obamacares:51 | @thinkprogress:160 | @thinkprogress:169 | women:137 | paul:194 | pre:250 | life:292 | gop:116 | medicaid:74 | update:96 | #aca:414 | update:47 | #aca:346 | million:135 | #hcr:225 | #hcr:273 | #aca:1973 | #p2:562 | #uniteblue:681 | #getcovered:460 | #getcovered:199 | gop:358 | #getcovered:656 | #uniteblue:410 | mcconnell:198 | uninsured:169 | gop:243 | uninsured:114 | gop:192 | #yeswedid:194 | republicans:281 | sign:126 | #getcovered:209 | #getcovered:178 | #betterwithobamacare:409 | million:128 | republican:144 | millions:333 | uninsured:121 | uninsured:263 | gained:101 | romney:74 | uninsured:140 | #uniteblue:218 | ted:265 | republicans:142 | saved:197 | coverage:104 | anti:151 | times:433 | slavery:360 |
#copolitics:19 | #aca:54 | #obamacares:44 | #aca:51 | #thanksobamacare:76 | #thanksobamacare:152 | #obamacares:29 | #thanksobamacare:44 | canada:117 | million:110 | fact:59 | @thinkprogress:102 | covers:236 | #aca:164 | @thinkprogress:56 | update:70 | gop:66 | #acaturns3:143 | #actnow:24 | 37th:126 | update:85 | #hix:171 | #uniteblue:238 | @seniorinfo4u:638 | #getcovered:534 | @charlespgarcia:399 | #obamacaresaves:316 | medicaid:117 | #getcovered:253 | #uniteblue:403 | cbo:204 | mitch:174 | rate:76 | republicans:222 | #uniteblue:82 | working:167 | mcconnell:190 | coverage:231 | coverage:112 | #uniteblue:141 | coverage:170 | uninsured:295 | coverage:128 | @dailykos:117 | news:296 | birth:94 | time:114 | uninsured:98 | coverage:67 | rate:117 | #cnn:120 | jobs:247 | tap:108 | coverage:185 | ryan:103 | republican:127 | stunt:402 | #rncincle:200 | |
@barackobama:17 | #thankshcr:33 | #aca:35 | obamacares:40 | women:23 | #obamacares:101 | cancer:15 | @thinkprogress:43 | fact:116 | women:80 | starting:58 | requested:99 | fact:196 | women:129 | destroy:56 | gop:66 | scott:36 | kills:128 | percent:24 | #p2:115 | #gop:82 | million:149 | #hix:223 | #p2:601 | #gopshutdown:417 | #gop:355 | republicans:273 | update:108 | #p2:187 | republicans:232 | aca:198 | republicans:159 | republicans:76 | #uniteblue:210 | @tpm:74 | #uniteblue:146 | republicans:161 | cruz:214 | @mterry337:101 | coverage:134 | court:169 | affordable:245 | wrong:120 | study:102 | stay:262 | women:92 | wrong:91 | time:80 | uninsured:67 | #getcovered:107 | enrollment:117 | republicans:233 | time:106 | life:129 | gop:93 | hosted:113 | publicity:317 | pence:190 | |
reason:17 | reform:18 | game:29 | #obamacares:38 | coverage:23 | women:92 | women:13 | nurses:35 | #thanksobamacare:104 | move:73 | preventive:58 | quietly:93 | #aca:184 | saved:107 | update:56 | @thinkprogress:65 | @thinkprogress:34 | ryan:100 | coverage:23 | @charlespgarcia:112 | #hix:76 | coverage:129 | #p2:195 | @barackobama:546 | #uniteblue:417 | #getcovered:296 | #uniteblue:262 | #uniteblue:97 | #uniteblue:176 | millions:221 | support:179 | #uniteblue:154 | read:65 | working:102 | states:70 | uninsured:109 | enrollment:151 | ted:202 | #uniteblue:97 | enrollment:131 | uninsured:150 | #uniteblue:225 | republican:108 | #p2:92 | fox:200 | billion:82 | rates:86 | news:76 | jeb:66 | fiorina:107 | #msnbc:101 | #getcovered:196 | job:94 | republican:125 | paul:83 | lobbyists:109 | voted:283 | @theshrillest:141 | |
top:14 | people:17 | young:24 | @lolgop:19 | @thinkprogress:22 | pre:76 | millions:12 | women:32 | pre:102 | voting:70 | term:50 | mitt:87 | #romnesia:179 | #obama:107 | #medicare:53 | expansion:52 | rick:33 | paul:82 | million:22 | #uniteblue:105 | consumers:69 | plan:123 | #gop:181 | #enoughalready:447 | affordable:400 | aca:282 | apartheid:196 | kids:90 | republicans:165 | success:205 | medicaid:170 | medicaid:150 | working:65 | #gop:98 | rate:58 | republicans:107 | covered:122 | open:196 | working:97 | uninsured:93 | supreme:146 | #tedcruz:186 | critics:108 | wrong:83 | #uniteblue:200 | saving:70 | republican:79 | republicans:76 | mitt:65 | carly:99 | #getcovered:94 | #uniteblue:149 | private:94 | @barackobama:118 | wrong:83 | donors:108 | #nobillnobreak:265 | cultural:141 |